Want to connect with one of these ministries? Email


    Teenagers in 7th through 12th grade are invited to hang out with us as we explore God's word, play games and connect with each other. We meet in the Youth Room at 7:00 PM each Wednesday night.


    The First Impressions Team is on a mission- to make New Hope the friendliest church in town! From greeting guests in the parking lot, to escorting people to V.I.P. seating, or simply offering a cup of coffee or bottled water, the team will always have a huge smile on their face!


    The Joy Women's Ministry's desire is to provide opportunities for women to get connected, study God's Word, and encourage each other in their walk with Christ. Their mission is to grow and serve alongside one another as they "do life" together.


    Kid Zone is especially designed for kids in grades 1 through 5 and meets Sunday mornings. The kids start in the auditorium (with their parent or in the kids area) and leave for their own age-appropriate message after the worship music and prayer is complete. New Hope kids learn about God through Scripture, games, videos, music, drama and recreation.


    Men need to be surrounded by other Godly men. In the Men's Ministry the guys meet monthly to hang out, eat great food, hold each other accountable and study God's Word.


    Our goal is to provide a safe environment for children where they can learn about Jesus. Parents check in their children at our friendly and easy to use computer system which generates identification labels that are placed on each child. Children cannot be released from the secure preschool area without the accompanying parent label.

    Downloadable Forms and Information:

    Child Information Form

    Child Medical Form

    New Hope Preschool Guidelines


    The Senior Adult Ministry at New Hope is extremely active. From trips all over the country to the annual Christmas dinner, concerts at church and dinner theater runs around the Cincinnati area, New Hope's Senior Adult Director keeps everyone on the go!


    The Special Needs Ministry's mission is to serve those with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and their families. The purpose of the ministry is (1) to help each individual feel included, loved, and valued and to guide them in understanding God's message of unconditional love and forgiveness and (2) to provide support, encouragement, and fellowship to the families of those with special needs.

    To participate, each individual with special needs should have a current Special Needs Registration form on file (click here). We require this so that our staff and ministry workers are equipped to provide a safe and loving environment for your child. The form should be emailed to or mailed or dropped off in the church office.

    Downloadable Forms and Information:

    Special Needs Registration Form


    In an effort to reach out to the local community, albeit for mission relief or hospital care, the members of the New Hope Stitchers Ministry meet regularly and use their talents for God.


    The Praise Team (auditioned band and vocals), Worship Choir (unauditioned) and Media Crew (prior experience preferred) exist to create an environment that invites people to worship and seek life change.